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Punten: 447
Aangesloten: 03 Feb 2003
Ingediend door 3XL op Woe, 17/09/2008 - 20:07.

Ooit wel eens willen weten waar de latijnse spierbenamingen vandaan komen.

Names of the skeletal muscles

Most skeletal muscles have Latin names that describe some feature of the muscle; Often several criteria are combined into one name. The following are some terms relating to muscle features that are used in naming muscles.

Size: vastus (huge); maximus (large); longus (long); minimus (small); brevis (short).

Shape: deltoid (triangular); rhomboid (like a rhombus with equal and parallel sides); latissimus (wide); teres (round); trapezius (like a trapezoid, a four-sided figure with two sides parallel).

Direction of fibers: rectus (straight); transverse (across); oblique (diagonally); orbicularis (circular).

Location: pectoralis (chest); gluteus (buttock or rump); brachii (arm); supra- (above); infra- (below); sub- (under or beneath); lateralis (lateral).

Number of origins: biceps (two heads); triceps (three heads); quadriceps (four heads).

Origin and insertion: sternocleidomastoideus (origin on the sternum and clavicle, insertion on the mastoid process); brachioradialis (origin on the brachium or arm, insertion on the radius).

Action: abductor (moves parts of the body away from parts nearby); adductor (moves parts of the body toward parts nearby); flexor (causes a joint to bend); extensor (causes a joint to straighten); levator (lifts a structure); masseter (usied in chewer).


As you are now, I once was.
As I am now, you'll never be

The only easy day was yesterday...............Life is hard, so am I

Leuk. Enkele wist ik nog

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Punten: 16301
Aangesloten: 08 Feb 2005

Leuk. Enkele wist ik nog niet. (De rest wel; maar dat mag ook wel, na zes jaar Latijn in school. Sticking out tongue)


Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how far one can go. ~ T.S. Elliot