Creatine report - Will Brink

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Punten: 447
Aangesloten: 03 Feb 2003
Ingediend door 3XL op Din, 15/03/2005 - 20:11.

Wil Brink heeft een nieuw creatine overzicht gepubliceert

Here is the table of contents or your perusal:

* Section one: What is creatine? How does creatine work?

* Section Two: Creatine and Sarcopenia Effects of creatine
on older adults The secret of aging: cellular energetics Anti-inflammatory effects of creatine Creatine effects on the function of healthy and damaged brains.

* Creatine and the healthy brain

* Creatine and neuromuscular diseases More brain related
research: Creatine and neurological protection Creatine and heart function References for Section Two:

* Section Three Effects on Growth Hormone (GH) Creatine may reduce homocysteine levels

* Creatine and chronic fatigue/fibromyalgia

* Creatine safety issues: fact or fiction?

* References for Section Three:

* Section Four Recommended doses To load or not to load Creatine and athletics The creatine and sugar story Pre made creatine/sugar mixtures Purity issues

* So who sells Creapure brand creatine?

* Conclusion Additional references of interest

This free report can be downloaded at:


As you are now, I once was.
As I am now, you'll never be

The only easy day was yesterday...............Life is hard, so am I

Creatine report - Will Brink

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Punten: 229
Aangesloten: 22 Okt 2004

mooi report...

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