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Aangesloten: 03 Mrt 2005
Ingediend door lietchi op Din, 08/03/2005 - 18:46.

Op staat:

"Here's a rundown of ways to measure body fat, from easiest and most inaccurate to hardest and most precise.

Tape measurements of body circumference (e.g. waist, hips) combined with height/weight measurements are unbelievably inaccurate. Just for fun, I tested a few of the online tape measurement calculators, and got results ranging from 12% to 28% body fat. Tape measurements are handy for knowing overall size losses or gains, but are largely useless for knowing body fat.

Bioelectrical impedance devices, such as the Tanita body fat scale, determine body fat by sending little electrical pulses through the body. Not bad for average people, usually quite inaccurate for athletic people. Measurements will also vary significantly based on hydration levels. Still a margin of error in the range of +/- 5%, and there's a big difference between 10% and 15%.

Skinfold calipers take a pinch of skin at various sites on the body. This is more accurate if it's done by someone experienced, but there is still a margin of error of around 2-3%. If you want to assess your own body fat, this is probably the best way to do it as long as you remember that you need practice, and the margin of error remains significant.

Hydrostatic, or underwater weighing, requires the person to be submerged in a tank of water and to expel all the oxygen from their lungs as they are measured. This is quite accurate but hard to obtain unless you live near a friendly university research lab. DEXA, or dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, is likewise accurate but also involves a complex procedure with special equipment.

Autopsy is the most accurate and effective means of body fat assessment. And, guess what, it's a little inconvenient for most of us."

Hoe meten jullie je vetgehalte?

Ik zit zelf ook met wat twijfels: ik ben in 6 weken van 30.1 naar 30.6 gegaan qua vetpercentage volgens Tanita, ik was 0.6 kilo spieren kwijt. Is Tanita altijd in dezelfde richting onnauwkeurig? Of kan het de ene keer méér vet aangeven dan er in het echt is, en de andere keer minder dan er echt is? Dat vetpercentage maakt voor mij op zich niet zoveel uit, maar wel hoeveel spiermassa ik heb...


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Punten: 1386
Aangesloten: 04 Feb 2005

niet, ik kijk in spiegel. bij mij zijn men blokjes als het ware men vet%meter